4th Mirecourt Music Festival
For these 7th Mirecourt International Meetings Marianne Piketty, Artist Director a souhaité s’associer à des artistes français et étrangers menant des carrières internationales :
The strong and particular theme of these Meetings was to cover all of Mirecourt's artistic heritage, which is violin making. Thus, this year was marked by a exceptional carte blanche offered to the guitarist Edoardo Catemario, so that the plucked strings mingle with the bowed strings.
This edition was also an opportunity to discover a French cellist, young talent, Aurélien Pascal, and thus give him the opportunity to play with the greatest of the major works of the French repertoire.
These meetings were marked by a partnership with Ravenel CH. During the opening concert played in the Ravenel auditorium, the Itinér’air choir made up of volunteers from different units of the Hospital Center, accompanied by a string quartet, opened the program with 3 songs.
In 2015, one of the strong points was also the desire to promote the International Music Meetings beyond the territory of Mirecourt in order to share with the greatest number, exceptional musical moments interpreted by the artists in residence. So on the occasion of a decentralized concert, we went to the Music School of Neufchâteau.
A strong bond between professionals and amateurs has been forged during concerts with the participation of students and teachers from the music school, master classes, meetings and exchanges between student luthiers and professional musicians.
Tuesday, November 10 – 8:00 p.m. – CH Ravenel Auditorium
This first concert of the 2015 edition was a bit special since it was above all a partnership with the Center Hospitalier de Ravenel.
The Itinér’air choir, under the direction of Christine Tricarri, opened the program with three songs. He was accompanied by the Adult Vocal Workshop of the Mirecourt Music School and by a string quartet made up of teachers from the School of Music and Marianne Piketty.
The emotion released was palpable on stage and in the room. The music brought together able-bodied and disabled spectators who, bound by the same magic, rose in unison to cheer the artists at the end of the show.
Wednesday November 11 – 6:00 p.m. – Auditorium of the Neufchâteau Music School
This year, one of the strong points was the desire to promote the Rencontres Internationales de Musique beyond the territory of Mirecourt in order to share with as many people as possible, exceptional musical moments interpreted by the artists in residence.
Thus, on the occasion of a decentralized concert, we went to the Music School of Neufchâteau where we received a warm welcome and a full auditorium.
During this concert, the piano was honored and made us discover the virtuosity and the complicity of the pianists, in particular on the occasion of frenzied four-handed pieces.
Mercredi 11 novembre – Master classe violoncelle prodiguée par Philippe Muller
Thursday, November 12 – 6:00 p.m. – Museum of Violin Making
This concert, which has benefited from a privileged setting at the Museum of French Violin and Bow-making, testifies to the importance of the unique artistic heritage of the city of Mirecourt, the cradle of French violin-making.
This intimate place allowed Aurélien Pascal to enter the festival. This is a young talent of the cello who was sponsored within the framework of these meetings in order to give him the opportunity to play with renowned artists in major works of chamber music.
This evening also allowed the public to discover Edoardo Catemario who performed on guitar The Great Sonata in A major by Paganini and Asturias d’Albeniz, two choice works of classical guitar.
The Museum of Violin Making and Archery, where remarkable pieces of local and national heritage are exhibited, is an essential place for the Rencontres Internationales de Mirecourt. A visit was offered to the artists at the end of the concert.
Thursday, November 12 – Visit to the National School of Lutherie in Mirecourt
The relevance of the Rencontres Internationales de Mirecourt project is also based on the close link made with lutherie and its “knowledge-to-transmit”. It was essential to create spaces for exchange and discovery between the National School of Violin Making, student luthiers, violin making teachers and guest artists.
The visit to the School of Violin Making allowed fruitful and sometimes emotional exchanges between one and the other. First of all the discovery of the manufacture of the instruments (violin, viola, cello), then the acoustic tests by the artists of the instruments made by young luthier students gave a particular tone to this visit. Young luthiers can thus benefit from valuable advice given by artists on the instruments they have made. These internationally renowned virtuosos also help young people in training discover, observe and try out the exceptional instruments they own (violins by Stradivarius, Tononi, etc.).
Friday, November 13 – 8:30 p.m. – Rio Cinema
The strong and particular theme of these 7th Meetings was also to cover all of Mirecourt's artistic heritage, which is violin making. Thus, this year was marked by an exceptional carte blanche offered to the guitarist Edoardo Catemario, so that the plucked strings come to mingle with the bowed strings.
During this concert, nine senior students from the music school, some of whom are also luthier students, and 4 teachers also joined the artists. It was a real challenge for these young amateurs to be in the presence of international artists.
The proximity of the venues, the planning well established in advance and the goodwill of everyone have made it possible to create strong artistic links in these Meetings, mixing international artists, teachers and musicians, students and future luthiers.
Samedi 14 novembre – Master class guitare prodiguée par Edoardo Catemario
Saturday November 14 – 5:30 p.m. – Cinema Rio
During this concert, two works were presented which encourage contemplation and reflection with their deep and slow notes. They were written during World War II, one Sonata n°2 opus 244 in 1944 by Darius Milhaud and the second Praise to the eternity of Jesus by Olivier Messiaen in 1940 while he was detained in the concentration camp in Görlitz. The emotion was great during the interpretation of the latter which inevitably pushed the public to draw a parallel with the tragic events of the day before in Paris.
This concert was intended to be festive, but the news decided otherwise, it was thus transformed into a vibrant tribute to the victims of the attacks and their families.
The Concert Op 21 de Chausson was the opportunity for a highly appreciated partnership with Laurent Causse and the teachers of the Mirecourt School of Music. This project allowed them to surpass themselves and take up the challenge of playing with international artists, thus provoking a unique moment of sharing.
Dimanche 15 novembre – 11H00 – Cinéma Rio
The 7th Mirecourt International Music Meetings end in fireworks with the Quintet of Pierné which closes this concert and this festival. This closing concert was an exceptional moment experienced by all. The generosity of the artists went far beyond the formal framework of the concert.
In general, the eight artists present at Mirecourt were remarkable in every respect: present on stage, available with the public, attentive to the students and organizers.
Guest Artists
Thank you for the great week in Mirecourt! You are a fantastic host!!! You made a warm and friendly atmosphere, merci mille fois !
Hariolf Schlichtig
Many thanks for an exciting and very enjoyable week, – I had a great time! And congratulation on all your work that made this festival grow and become very special.
Christian Altenburger
It was a pleasure to be able to share such good times. Thanks again.
Edoardo Catemario
I will keep wonderful memories of these Meetings in Mirecourt.
Philippe Muller
It was a magical week!
Dana Ciocarlie
Mirecurtian artists
Patients join me in thanking you for this wonderful sharing and exchange. We discussed at length together and they measured the extraordinary nature of this experience. The group appears more homogeneous and united. They wanted to sing again, with enthusiasm and on their feet… They all admire Marianne's instrumental playing as well as her relational simplicity with them.
As for the organization, some have noted it as remarkable...
Christine Tricarri, Art therapist at CH Ravenel
The viewers
I would simply like to say congratulations and thank you for your admirable teamwork which led to the success of these 7th Musical Meetings.
Jean-Claude Guillou
We experienced the 7th Meetings as an extraordinary week. Your organization has always been exemplary and we congratulate all the JMF volunteers, especially its president. We congratulate all the musicians and of course more particularly Marianne for her investment in Mirecourt because she makes music shine beyond our city. Thank you all for making us enjoy such beautiful moments, rehearsals, master classes, concerts and we are ready to follow you for the future.